Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Uncivilized Barbarians

There are so many reasons that triggered me to write this post. The main reason, I'm FUCKING SICK of tolerating all this shit. People can be such an annoyance at times or shall I say most of the times. Maybe it's just ME but then IT'S NOT.

If you see yourself in the list below, you are definitely an UNCIVILIZED BARBARIAN.
NOPE, I'm NOT AT ALL sorry that YOU are offended!

  1. Littering around - Happens everywhere. It bugs the hell outta me when people don't throw their fucking rubbish in the dustbin. Then they complain about the place being dirty. It is even worse in low - cost flats area. These fuckers just throw bags full of rubbish through their windows or balcony. I've even seen a curry packet landing right on the hood of a car. WTF??? Let it even be a used cotton bud or some crumpled paper, why can't you just throw it in a dustbin?? To those fuckers who smokes, PLEASE, just fucking throw the cigarette buds or even empty cigarette box in the dustbin. WARNING to those who know me : DON'T EVER LET ME CATCH YOU LITTERING AROUND or YOU'LL DIE OF PUBLIC HUMILIATION WHILE BEING FORCED TO PICK UP THE RUBBISH!! I'VE DONE THIS BEFORE AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!!
  2. If you are in the cinema, please change your mobile into SILENT MODE or SWITCH IT OFF. Not only YOU are being distracted from the movie but OTHERS as well. Be considerate! YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING TAIKO EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU ARE!! To those bunch of hooligans, stop screaming, whistling or even giving some fucking sound effect while watching movies in the cinema. Honestly speaking, INDIANS does this all the time. I'm not being racist but heck, it's the absolute TRUTH. I've never seen any other races behaving so in cinemas.
  3. STOP SMOKING in public. There's enough damage being done to your own self. STOP smoking in the elevators especially, even if there's no one in. JUST FUCKING STOP!!!
  4. STOP SPITTING around. It's unhygienic and it's FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!
  5. If you chew chewing gum to glory, STOP STICKING it everywhere!!! There's instructions on what to do with the chewed gum on the wrapper itself. Even if you are illiterate, it is illustrated in graphics. Don't tell me you're a FUCKING DUMBASS!!!
  6. STOP BURPING on people's face!! It's FUCKING DISGUSTING AND RUDE!!! If at all you do, at least say a fucking EXCUSE ME for god sake!! This burping habit is familiar among the Malays. Again, I'm not being racist. It's the absolute TRUTH!!
I can only think of these few things. I bet there's MORE!! It's really a major issue! IT IS TO ME!!!! So much for globalization and crap, people are turning to be uncivilized barbarians!!!

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