Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Being Alive

I Live For This

Walked in when I least needed
A significant presence 
Made the beats dance to the rhythm
Sadistic and masochistic 

Flinch through my painful sleepless nights
Even when you left me sore
I smile at the thought of you 
I light up at the mention of your name 
I love the pain I am inflicted with...
Torture and torment

Don't see you the way I do
Don't even like the mention of you 
Don't get the hype of you in me
All they see is 
Addiction and obsession...

I finally managed to execute my thoughts of you. I said finally because many times I have failed miserably. It feels good to think of you all the time. You make me feel alive. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Irony of 'I'm Lovin It'

So I asked...

Would you love me?
So She asked
Truly Madly Deeply
So He replied

Would you love me?
So He asked
With all my heart
So She replied

Love Me Would You?
So I asked
A burdening heavy sigh
Just enough for an answer
So My reflection replied...

*Triggered by a wallpaper at McDonald's*