Saturday, October 23, 2021

Tug of War

How It Feels To Hope

Hope is a distance
For every time you speak
I move a little closer

Hope is a destination 
For every inch you move further
I step forward towards you 

Hope is fragile 
For everytime you snap the stitches open
I patch it up again and again 

Hope is dangerous 
For just a little smile from you
Brightens my sunken heart  

Hope is tormenting 
For every little thing you do 
Makes me want to fix us 

Hope is the only answer
For the tug of war 
Between us to end... 

Thursday, October 07, 2021


 Two Is NOT ALWAYS Better Than One


Is all it takes 

To smile

To greet

To laugh

To clap 

To feel

To lead

To love

To leave... 

Monday, October 04, 2021


Darkness Prevail

Oh the audacity

Of being laconic

To cease everything curated

Did you even bruise 

At being punched 

With endless query 


Did you swell

At having the upperhand

To let go 

And still be a thrall... 

Sunday, October 03, 2021



Right Here, Waiting

Dope party 

of You, talking beats

and I listened, mostly

For your convenience...

Party paused 

still loud but eerily silent

at your convenience 

Questions raised, 

self-convincing, awkward answers 

left me to ponder and wander 


the party has begun

at Your convenience 

yet again

but wait I did

Right here

Just to feel the beat again...