Weekend was hectic. Busy traveling from Penang to KL(Saturday) and from KL to Penang(Sunday). The reason to KL was to visit Thashneyvie, my cousin's daughter. Reached the hospital on Saturday and I totally went in shock to see her lying on the hospital bed. She's totally changed. She's no more the happy kid I once knew. She barely smiles. I admit I'm allergic to kids but when she came over to my place for Deepavali gathering a few years back, she was so much different. I remember telling my dad that Thashneyvie is such a cutie. She listens to what ever an elder person says. She doesn't rebel or create havoc. Same goes to her brother whose name is too bombastic for me to remember.
She's ONLY 6 and honestly, I am still not sure if what is wrong with her. My aunt told me some other stuffs, my mum told me something else, and finally my uncle said it's brain tumor. If only I can ask what is really wrong with her, I would!! I really want to know!! It's just not the right place and time to go on bombarding the mother with my questions. There's enough damage done.
There wasn't even a chart on her health condition except for the book which her mother keep note of what Thashneyvie consumes. I saw the book had some drawings, mathematics calculations, and those food consumptions details. She barely eats. She consumes milk out of tube through her nose. 50ml per hour.
I don't think she even went to school. She only attended kindy I suppose. She's been hospitalized since end of last year I guess. So, there goes her most precious days in life, undergoing treatments - radiotheraphy. She's gone thinner. She's lost her balance and orientation. She once had gorgeous eyes with long curvy eye lashes. Now, she don't. Her hair have almost all dropped. She had fair flawless skin once upon a time and now she's gone dark, scars on her chest, neck and so on. Both her hands are poked with the drips needle. So much of suffering for a 6 year old.
Such a heartbreak!!
Had a few photo's of Thashneyvie and the rest of the kids taken during the Deepavali gathering back then. Myself and Thylage were assigned to babysit the kids while the elders have their chats to glory. Just feel like sharing it. Really really hope she'll get well soon!! =( =(
From Left : Yashnee, Lekavathee(behind), Keshvini, Thashneyvie and Thylage
Thashneyvie munching on some food
From left : Yashnee, Lekavathee, Keshvini, Thashneyvie and ME
1 comment:
omg..the poor thing :( really do hope and pray she gets better :( such a pity...i can;t stand seeing kids in pain :( !!!!!!!
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