Whacked honey dew to glory when mum and sis came home. Mum brought this bread loaf which has dates and raisins and its damn sweet. I'm a SUGAR FAIRY. Feed me sweet sugary food and I'll consume to glory. Told mum about Ravindh and we decided to leave to hospital about 430pm to visit Ravindh and my aunt. Reached hospital, went to Ravindh's ward and saw him sleeping. So, went to visit my aunt first. I was holding my aunt's hand when I felt the whole world is spinning and my vision got blurred. I spotted a chair opposite the bed, aimed to park my azz there and - PITCH BLACK.
The next thing I know, I hear mum calling my name, saw nurses and a doctor standing around me and FUCK, my ass hurts. Was only half conscious, saw the nurse applying Minyak Cap Kapak right down my nose, another pulled my hand and pricked my finger for a blood test, another checking up my BP. The doctor pulled out my spects n checked my eyes. All I heard was "She look very pale! She look very pale! She look very pale" I was struggling with myself as I felt like puking but it doesn't seem to come out!! Then came a few other nurses, stood in front of me and went "She's so cute! She's so cute" Honestly, I appreciate the compliment but hello, I was trying to puke!!! I felt FINE until one of the nurses came with the wheelchair and insisted my mum to bring me to the emergency ward. I went WTF and told I'll walk if at all I have to go and I got screwed from mum. So, I was FORCED to use the damn wheelchair and brought to the emergency ward, attended by this huge sized Indian doctor with a sweet smiley face.
Doc : Yes, enna achi?(What happened?) Hemaa--What is your name exactly??
Me: Hemaavathy. Maike padte vilenthe, enthirechi, vanthi edethen(I fainted,got up and vomitted). I vomitted in the morning as well.
Doc: Wow! This is interesting! Maike padte vilenthe, enthirechi, vanthi edethingge.(U fainted, got up and vomited)*Looked at another doc and said "Look,interesting story she has." And they shared some moment of laughter* So, how many times you actually vomitted?
Me: *Gave a killer stare for making me a total joke* Twice-Morning after breakfast, and just now, after fainting. And I'm having my period.
Doc: Okay, good. That's very important. Maybe that's why you fainted.
I was just nodding and stared at him for making me the joke of the day. He smiled and called a nurse to check my BP. As I was being checked, a guy, neatly dressed in tie and long sleeves shirt came in and and a nurse went to his aid, trying to put up the drips bottle(I don't really know what they call it. *Maal, u gotta help me with this*)
Doc to the nurse(Laughing): Make sure he doesn't change his clothes. He looks nice with it.
*Not enough of me,this doctor is making fun of that poor little guy who came for treatment*
Next, I hear him asking the nurse to give me a bottle too. I went FUCK! She poked the needle right through my vein. It wasn't painful until a point where the tiny tube hit my wrist bone and FUCK! It striked so badly. Had to bare with it coz mum was already in some trauma stage looking at the nurse poking the needle. =P Had to be in the emergency ward for 2 hours, waiting for the bloody bottle to finish. I was asked to sleep while the bottle finished but I just sat there like a dumbazz, looking around and started to sms Divya and got screwed from her for my eating habit.
There was a lady opposite me being treated by 2 doctors. She had totally burned about 4% of herself with hot boiling water(I heard the doctors and the nurses talking. That's the least I can do while sitting there-eavesdrop). From the right side of her face, shoulder till the whole right arm. Ouch! That would really hurt! Poor lady!! =(
A nurse came and checked my BP again and fastened the dripping rate and it hurt like hell. Within few minutes I was done with it and the nurse came to pull out the bloody tube and I went Ouch!!
Nurse(smiling) :Next time, make sure you shave the hairs before you come here.
Me :Shave?? o.O
Nurse: The tape is pulling your hair that's why you feeling the pain.
I gave her a smile and thought to myself "VERY FUNNY MISSY". Thanked her and we(my mum n I) headed home after taking the medications. Reached home and saw my dad at the doorway, laughing his azz off. I gotta admit, I laughed to the bone as well.
Brother to Me : How did you faint??
Mum to Me: Demo to your brother how you fainted. Faster!!
Me : Hahahaha! Very funny people! I only fainted. Nothing serious and everyone made a big fuss out of it with the emergency ward and the damn wheelchair!
Brother to Me(sarcastic) : Eat 2 days once some more. Or next time, starve yourself!
Me : I'm eating okay!! I eat in small amount. You people just don't get it. I even whacked bread before going to GH!!
Just got phone calls from mum, dad and grandma asking whether I'm okay. I'm PERFECTLY FINE people!! I get it that you all are so concern, but hey, I'm absolutely fine. Don't be a paranoid and PLEASE people, stop making me feel sick. I'm absolutely FINE!! Thank you!
Just feel that the nurse and the doctors were so with "on the job" attitude. Of course, it's their job, but I really respect them for being so fast moving. =) Thank you again! For the doctor and the nurse who made fun of my condition, thanks to you as well. Maybe you were just trying to make me feel better. =) Thank You people! Tulips! =)

1 comment:
HAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA lol..poor thing they gave u drips hahahahahaa.
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