Monday, March 11, 2013

Life's Tough....And Then You Die


Things are so not going well for now. It's okay. Shit happens. Just keep holding on. Even if it doesn't help as much. Seek help. Talk it out. You'll feel so much better.

There's nothing embarassing about seeking help. Even if you're a guy. (Let's not even go there). And if you think talking things out will never solve shit, you are absolutely wrong. Apparently, when you talk things out or vent out your frustrations, you will actually feel better. It doesn't really matter if the person you talk to is able to fix your issues or not. When you let it off your chest, you'll feel lighter. By bottling up your issues, you could be halting another person's life. It's called being selfish and that causes even more damage  So, just don't.

Share your issues. In someway, it helps others too.

Here comes the highlight : If at all you talk about your issues and that someone says,"There are so much bigger issues than yours. So many people starve to death, bla bla bla", just fucking bitch slap the person.

When one has an issue, it is big enough for him/her. Don't go comparing the issue with poverty and starvation or even war. That's totally out of the point. Just help. If you can't, the best you could do is just listen. Most of the time, people with issues just want someone to listen. Nothing more.

My dearest beloveds, even if I hit you guys with my sarcasm every little time we talk things out, just remember this : I care. I totally do. Your issues matter to me. All I want is the best for each and every one of you. Perhaps things could be dealt in a different way.

So, take care. Shit happens. Keep holding on.

Well, Life's tough............and then you die.


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