Image taken from http://erasundar.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/kindness.jpg
After a whole day out with Maalini Priyadarshani, I drove back home. Parked the car and walked towards my block. And I heard someone calling 'Akka! Akka!' (sister in Tamil). I really thought it was my sister but it turned out to be a boy, about the age of 6 or 7. And I have never seen this boy in my neighbourhood. Probably I don't even know half of the kids in my neighbourhood. Lol! This was what happened:
TheBoy: Akka, are you crying??
Me: o.O
TheBoy: Are you crying, Akka?? Why??
Me : No?
TheBoy: You looked like as if you were crying. So, I came to ask why.
I gave him a smile (trust me -I really did) and assured him I was not crying. The boy then looked at me and was convinced I wasn't crying and moved on with his life.
I was so touched by his gesture. I realized that the more older we get, the more cold we have come to be. We couldn't care less about others, especially if they don't matter to us. Even myself, I would not even bother to ask any stranger if I see him/her crying. If there's a fight between a couple involving tears, I would just watch the drama or if I was on the road, I would take all the effort to make a U-turn and drive slowly to watch the drama closely. I just find it funny sometimes. And to tell the truth, I did that just yesterday with Thylage. Lol! How growing up had build a person's character and mentality to a cold monster.
I am in awe that the boy actually cared to ask even after I gave my o.O look. He even made sure that I wasn't crying. Probably because I LOOK sad and I had flu. So, you get the idea. How ignorant and cold I have been, really strikes badly. I don't even know this kid personally, heck even his existence. The thoughtfullness of him to care for a stranger is just amazing. Yes, it may be just a random act for him to ask but I guess a simple random act of kindness would help people in many way. It means the world to some people. To just tell them they are not alone. To keep them strong.
How the world is going to change TheBoy as a person in future, we may never know. The innocence and thoughtfullness of him may change in time. But somehow, this small gesture will remain close to my heart. Most definitely!
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