Thursday, May 19, 2011


Every 18 minutes in the US, someone dies by suicide
Every 19 minutes, some one is left to make sense of it

I heard about you today
and I believe there should be a solid reason for this to have happened

I heard about the judgmental comment
and I have always thought you're a people person

I heard about those stories
and I have always thought it is your personal rights

I heard about those news
And I have always thought you have been taken advantage of

I thought about those working days
How excited I was when I knew you would be there

Your presence made so much difference in the mood
I have always thought you're excellent in what you're doing

I have always thought one would feel better
when you treat with your friendly and cheerful nature

Little did I know this would happen
and again, I believe there should be a solid reason for this to have happened

I wish I could lend my shoulder for you to cry on
just the way I did the first time we met
Even though it was done for a total different purpose

Do get well!!

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