Saturday, June 13, 2009

How Rude Are You?

How many of us actually think we are rude?? Most of us (80%), according to a survey, claim that we are not rude at all. But, do you know that 90% of people are actually rude?? Maybe we just don't realise that we are being rude at that point of time. There are two type of rudeness :

a)Focused - where we are being rude on purpose
b)Unfocused - where we don't realise we are being rude, which is not on purpose.

Many of our daily acts are considered rude. It may not seem to be rude for us but it is for some people. I do admit that I'm extremely rude at times but somehow I find these acts rude.

  1. Burping on people's face without even saying "Excuse Me"
  2. Clipping finger nails in public (Eewww Disgusting!!)
  3. Whistle to call a waiter/waitress
  4. Smoking in public even when you know the person next to you is suffocating
  5. Cutting lanes in traffic without giving a signal (.l.)
  6. To talk in a language that the third person could not understand in a conversation - I get the point that you don't want the third person to know what you're talking about, but heck, it's simply RUDE!!
  7. To let your kids run around a restaurant and scream their lungs off (It's not only rude, but it's farqing annoying)
  8. Stealing a parking lot when you know there's another person waiting to park on that lot
  9. Taking your own sweet time to get your car out of parking lot when you know there's another car waiting to park on that lot
  10. Cutting queues - Just wait for your damn turn will you??
  11. Using the handphone to chat/sms when you're having a serious conversation, face to face with someone
  12. Talking on the phone while you're on the cashier counter, without bothering the cashier and the others waiting in line
  13. Walking while people are sweeping or mopping the floor(All I feel like doing is hitting you with the broom/mop stick)
  14. Standing in the midway while two person is having a conversation
  15. When you want a person to do something for you, NEVER raise up your voice.

There might be more. Just cant seem to think much. A short post after a long time. Inspired by Oprah Winfrey Show.

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