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Bangkok : New Year 2020 Countdown |
I stepped into Year 2020 watching absolutely stunning fireworks in the skies of Bangkok, checking it off my bucketlist. Then I signed up for a couple of spartan races and booked tickets for ACT hike without any second thoughts. Fast forward to March, Covid - 19 took over the limelight. Races got postponed, flights were cancelled and everyone is home bound. 😒😏
I gotta admit though, that I was very elated when MCO was announced. The significant pause and change in years of routine brought so much differences in the way I have lived. The fact that I did not have to deal with unnecessary toxicity was totally overwhelming.
While many out there were bored out of their skulls and striving really hard to make ends meet, I made use of all that time indulging in self-care, reading those dense books which I struggled to even begin with and also improved my cooking and baking skills. I had my workout regimes, squeezed in all the time in hands to Netflix and chill. I'd safely say 1 month of MCO gave me peace and rest that I have been wanting and needed so much over the years.
Then came CMCO, home-quarantine and the new norm, which is obviously not so new anymore. But the whole Covid-19 fiasco gave me the greatest gift of all, FRIENDS.
Cheers to 20 years and more of pissing each other off with nasty remarks. The one thing I miss being away from you is the ability to just talk about anything and everything under the sun. Thank you Pitz for never judging or even reacting for anything and everything. For being that ONE nasty person I can talk to and laugh my ass off with, thank you. My dearest best friend, at least aku MASIH sayang kat hang. *at least* 💝😘
I know this year hasn't been great for the both of us in some ways. We sort of fell apart but managed to pick up the pieces along the way. I can never thank you enough for always wanting ONLY THE BEST for me. I totally understand how protective and possesive you are of me and my well being. But love, you gotta let loose sometimes. I have my ways of dealing with shit and the approach changes rapidly in time. Reading too much into it will only drive both of us nuts. Regardless, you will always be close to my heart. Anytime, All The Time. 💝😘
A year of knowing you Fazi, you have been nothing but a kind and fun person. Coming up with the wittiest and funny remarks, making me speechless and dumbfounded at times, you are certainly someone I cherish wholeheartedly. For all the well-planned ad-hoc camping trips and staycations, you have taught me to be more open to new adventures. For always being understanding in regards of my anxiety during hikes, thank you. Not forgetting all those wonderful shots you take during all our activities. I've finally found someone who can take absolutely awesome photos of me. Thank you Fazi, for making this year an amazing one. 🤗💝
The exchange of sarcasms, sinister jokes and dissaproval looks is so us. So glad our paths crossed and I'd say you have taught me that working out can be all fun and not necessarily serious. For having simple goals and just trying out new workout regimes has challenged me in various different ways. Ohh not forgetting our kdrama discussions. For once, I have someone I can discuss kdramas in depth without fan-girling on a whole. How we always see characters in relative to issues in the world is something I always look forward to discuss about with. Knowing you is a gift. Always remember that. 💝🤗
Being acquainted to you was the BEST thing that happened this year. How we became close in the shortest time of all is beyond my expectations and understanding. But what I do know is, you, my dearest, is a blessing. For remembering the simplest details of almost everything we spoke about, you impress me. It means a lot that you put into thought about almost everything, from the place we met to my favourite view of a mountain. For making me laugh every single day, thank you. My days are brighter with you though you drive me up the wall sometimes with your unnecessary remarks and assumptions. Will always be grateful for the things you do and the ways you do it. Thank you for a great year, my dearest. 🤗😘💝
My dearest Encik. Your calls are the only thing I always look forward to when a new week kicks in. Never in my wildest dreams have I ever liked long telephone conversations except yours. For genuinely always wanting to know things on my side, thank you. For being the person to always surprise me, I'm grateful. This year has been a bummer to all our plans but let's just hope we can work shit out next year or so, whenever we can coz our list is getting longer 🤭🤭 Cheers to a better year ahead! 💝🤗
My Edi. Where shall I start? For claiming to know my 'pattern', trying to lure me into *you know what*, our eye rolling moments, laughing at everything, every time we meet and especially in misleading the world around us, you are one of a kind. I may not agree to many of your thought processes, but hey, whatever floats your boat! *Cheers* Sometimes, we just gotta man up and deal with shit. Regardless of whatever that comes between us, we shall always choose to be a better man. After all, that's what makes us, US. 💝🤗
This year has given me the opportunity to know these kind and amazing souls in depth, in the name of friends. Keeping my sanity in check, these friends of mine have been there, put up and dealt with every single assholic traits of mine. Blessed & Grateful. That I am. 💝🤗 Wishing everyone a better year ahead!