Death : Loss of a loved one. No words could describe the despair and devastation you feel. It's even worse when you can't do shit but just watch them slip away from you.
NOTHING AT ALL helps in easing the pain and the denial you feel when you lose your loved one. Even the words of encouragement or comfort doesn't help in any way. I know. It is just plain difficult. It is just too painful.
Losing my grandma all of a sudden, was such a shock to me. I stood in shock throughout the whole funeral service not shedding a tear. NOT EVEN A DROP. I was just too angry, in denial, refused to believe that she was gone. To be honest, I still tend to think that she is still alive though reality slaps every now and then. *still very much in denial*
This post goes to my buddy, Joe. I am so sorry for your loss. Irreplaceable it is. But just be glad that you had the chance to take care of Her. Be glad that you were there throughout the days and nights. Be glad that you did all you could do, by being there. Be glad for that memories that you have spent with Her and for Her. For I believe, that is exactly what She would want and do. I hate to say this, when I know it is the most difficult moment for now. But be strong. For dad. For all he has is you and the rest of the family. Take care, buddy. *HUGS*