Congratulations dearest Thylage for your graduation on 20th April 2009. Finally, it's all done!!
Today's post is going to be all about Thylage.
I've known Thylage all my life. We grew up together. The very 1st time I saw her, she was wearing a farqing ugly PINK sweater. I was practically about 5 years of age. We had a great childhood which we think that none of our younger siblings or other cousins will ever have. We spent most of our time playing Barbie, Masak-masak, Acilot Duduk, Acilot Sembunyi, Bola Cabak, Guli and too many other games. Our evenings were always spent with Granpa, where we would comb his partially bald head and then walk hand-in-hand with Araz(My Bro) to Ah Choo Aunty's shop to get our ice - creams, Umbrella - shaped Chocolate and Mamee. Though my dad didn't like us eating those junks, we always manage to get it somehow because Granpa said "They're kids still, let them be happy" =) =)
When we started schooling, Thylage moved out. We didnt really spent much time together but once the school holidays starts, you can already see her at my place on the very same day the school ended. =P So, our school holidays were spent as usual, playing, playing, playing and playing. And we never missed a day without going to the beach. The beach was our hang out spot. We made fun of all the rubbish we found at the beach, had fun poking the dead jellyfish and creating "tanah runtuh"(landslides). And we still do wish we could live our childhood again and again as we had so much fun.
As we grow, we taught each other. We learn things together. We went shopping together. We always had the very same thing. There's nothing that I have, that Thylage doesn't have. and there's nothing that Thylage has that I don't. We wore the same bloody clothes everywhere we went. People even questioned whether we were twins. It was all fun. And we do practice the same thing up to now. Whenever I buy any clothes, I make sure I'll get 2 of it. One for me and the other for her.
It wasn't all happiness though. As we grew, she became an irritating ass for me. Don't ask why. It just turned out to be like that. Somehow, I grew out of it. And we clicked again, after we started using the Internet. We chat everyday and things are like how it used to be back then. We talk and share about every single thing we think about. The best part, we think alike too. When we're going out, we end up wearing the same thing,without planning. And once, a psycho manager from TGIF asked, "Did you both planned to wear the same thing??" *LoLz*
Thylage is an outspoken introvert. She listens most of the time. She rarely gives comments unless you ask her to. She helped and guided me through my depression period. She's always been there. We did have our arguments, ups and downs but we somehow manage to solve it by our own. She was once a person I hate to the max but now, She's someone I prioritize the most in my life. She's the best of all!! Irreplaceble!
Congratulations again, Thylage!! I'm very proud of you!! For all the moments we shared,laughed and cried about, and for the upcoming days, *CHEERS*
Love you Loads! Muakz!

Thylage & Me At Teluk Bahang Dam

Thylage & Me In Saree

Thylage & Me In Butterfly Farm